Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Strategies to Deal with Unemployment Part I

This is the first installment of a four part series brought to you by Resume Solutions, LLC on " Strategies to Deal with Unemployment". The first topic we will examine is Time Management. When you are working your time is planned for you. You are hired in as a full-time, part-time, or contractual employee. In any case you have a defined amount of hours that is assumed that you will be working. 

Once you are unemployed you no longer have a work schedule and for some of us that means we lose structure. Most of the time you have things to do. Some of those things may include searching for a job, catching up with family, or finishing a project that you never had time for while you were working.

Finding a job in this economy is tougher than ever before and if you waste time it could cost you big. You could become discouraged after the weeks start to pass and you don't get any calls for interviews. My solution to this problem is creating a calendar or planner of your daily and weekly plans. Keeping a planner will help you make the most of each day. In addition to that it will give you something to look back at when the week is over. You should be able to identify activities that are working and ways that you can make better use of your time. Be sure to log all your activities daily so that this exercise can be most effective.

As you manage your time make attainable goals. Start off by setting a goal for the number of interviews you will go on for a month. Follow up that goal with setting a goal for the number of jobs that you will apply for each day. You may also want to set a goal for the number of people that you will network with within a week.  The whole goal of your activity is creating activities that will help you make the most of your time and help you find a job.

Check back on next Tuesday when I examine what strategies to use while you are conducting your job search and the art of networking. 

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