Monday, August 29, 2011

Attitude Is King!

Nothing will affect your Job Search like your attitude. The longer your job search lasts the more likely this statement may become true. You are likely to go through a roller coaster of emotions as you search for employment. You may experience the highs of earning 1st and 2nd interviews and the lows of applying to multiple jobs without receiving any communication from employers.

Here is my Top 3 Ways That Your Attitude Will Affect Your Job Search:

1. Your attitude will dictate how consistent you are in your Job Search activity. If you are not consistent in your Job Search activity you are simply adding to the length of time it will take for you to find employment.

2. A positive attitude will be noticeable to employers and likely increase your Job Search activity. The more jobs you apply to the more you increase your chances of being called for an interview. Remember that you have to get an interview before you can get a job.

3. A negative attitude will also be noticeable to employers. Sometimes a negative attitude is something that we can easily overlook. Signs that you have a negative attitude are you automatically think employers won't be interested in you even though you are qualified. You may also be carrying negative baggage from bad experiences with previous employers. You may even quit a task in your Job Search before you even begin. The best way to overcome this is to be your own toughest critic.

Your attitude is just as important as your resume in your Job Search. A poor attitude like a poor resume will eliminate you in the race to become employed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

5 Things To Do To Prepare For Your Next Interview

Here's my list of 5 things that you need to do to prepare for your next interview in no particular order.

1. Review The Job Description

Reviewing the job description reminds you of what the employer is seeking and how you can go about convincing them that you can address their needs during your interview.

2. Bring Copies Of Your Resume

Always bring a copy of your resume in the event that the interviewer does not have a copy of your resume.

3. Get Directions To Your Interview Location

Make sure you know how to get to your interview location so you can be on time for your interview. Being late for an interview could eliminate you from further consideration.

4. Wear Proper Attire To The Interview

You should always dress properly for your interview. You NEVER get a second chance to make a first impression. If you are unsure of what to wear, do an online search for Dress For Success or dress conservatively.

5. Practice Answering Interview Questions

When you practice answering interview questions it gives you an opportunity to formulate what you will say if you are asked that question on a LIVE interview.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Keeping Your Job

So you have been looking for a job for awhile and you have finally found one. Congratulations, you can now breathe a sigh of relief! How do you keep that new job? I will present 5 tips for keeping that new job.

1. Challenge yourself to learn something new everyday.

Even if you are experienced in the field that you are now employed in, you will have to learn how to apply your knowledge to your new company's way of doing business.

2. Learn how your manager or supervisor makes decisions.

Learning how your manager makes decisions will enable you to make decisions on how you should complete your work. In the event of your managers absence you will be able to make a decision that they will be in agreement with.

3. Retain all the information given to you.

You supervisor will appreciate your ability to be given information once. The more information that you can retain, the more information you can be given.

4. Master new information that is given to your company as a whole.

Whenever your company goes through a systems conversion or they unveil a new product you should view that as an opportunity to show your worth. With everyone starting at ground zero you have a chance to standout as an expert on something new.

5. Stay longer if needed and always arrive to work on time.

Being punctual may seem like common sense but it can not be overlooked. The last thing you want to be is the new employee who is not flexible or the new employee who is late everyday.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Job Security-Is My Job Safe?

I believe there is no such thing as job security in today's workforce. With that thought in mind I am presenting a list of signs that your job could be in jeopardy.

Frequent Write Ups

1. Your job could be in jeopardy if errors that you make go from being verbally discussed to being documented in writing. Most companies are advised by their Human Resource department that they need a paper trail if they are planning to terminate an employee. So if you have been written up frequently recently watch out!

Your Job Is Posted

2. Even if you haven't been written up, if your company post your job that is a definite sign that your job could be in jeopardy.

Someone Else Is Being Trained To Do Your Job

3. If someone else is being trained to do your job that could be another telling sign that your job could be in jeopardy. This is especially true if there is only one person in the company that does your job or if your company doesn't have any other departments.

Your Company Produces Less Than Expected

4. If your company produces results that are less than expected cuts have to be made. If your name is at the on the top of the list of poor performers then you have very little if any job security. If you are not producing you have very little value to your company.

Final Analysis

There are many things that will effect how much job security that you have with your employer. Sometimes your job security will be based on your production while other times it will be based on how you fit within your companies culture. Beware of the above listed signs and your give your best effort at work everyday.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Your Job Search

Job Searching 2011
Searching for employment in 2011 can be extremely tough. However, finding a job is still possible if you take the correct approach. I will outline some key factors that will help you in your Job Search.

You have to start your Job Search with a positive attitude. You have to think that you can find a job. You also will have to fight to maintain your positive attitude. Remember we all have our pity parties during periods of unemployment but you must find a way to limit those parties. Your job search may take some time even if you have skills. If you carry a negative attitude it will follow you along on your job search and it may show up at the wrong time like on an interview. No employer wants to invest into someone with a negative attitude.

The key to building momentum in your Job Search is to remain consistent in your Job Search activities. Set daily goals for yourself regarding the number of jobs that you will apply to. Keep a log of the jobs that you have applied to so you will be prepared when you get a call for an interview. You also have to follow up with the jobs that you apply to.

It is important to network with all the people in your circle. They can oftentimes be your greatest resource. They know when jobs become available and what hiring managers are looking for.

Final Analysis
There is a lot of competition for jobs in 2011. Employers can choose from the cream of the crop. Your attitude, your consistency in applying to jobs, and your network will go along way in determining how long it will take to find a job. Jobs are available but you have to be prepared to demonstrate your value to prospective employers.