Thursday, August 11, 2011

Job Security-Is My Job Safe?

I believe there is no such thing as job security in today's workforce. With that thought in mind I am presenting a list of signs that your job could be in jeopardy.

Frequent Write Ups

1. Your job could be in jeopardy if errors that you make go from being verbally discussed to being documented in writing. Most companies are advised by their Human Resource department that they need a paper trail if they are planning to terminate an employee. So if you have been written up frequently recently watch out!

Your Job Is Posted

2. Even if you haven't been written up, if your company post your job that is a definite sign that your job could be in jeopardy.

Someone Else Is Being Trained To Do Your Job

3. If someone else is being trained to do your job that could be another telling sign that your job could be in jeopardy. This is especially true if there is only one person in the company that does your job or if your company doesn't have any other departments.

Your Company Produces Less Than Expected

4. If your company produces results that are less than expected cuts have to be made. If your name is at the on the top of the list of poor performers then you have very little if any job security. If you are not producing you have very little value to your company.

Final Analysis

There are many things that will effect how much job security that you have with your employer. Sometimes your job security will be based on your production while other times it will be based on how you fit within your companies culture. Beware of the above listed signs and your give your best effort at work everyday.

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