Monday, June 21, 2010

Five Bad Habits to Avoid At Your New Job

Congratulations, you have found a new job and you want to do well. Here is my quick list of bad habits to avoid.

1. Making personal telephone calls
If you have to make telephone calls do it on your break. If you have a peculiar situation going on at home speak to your supervisor about your situation so they are aware of what is going on.

2. Failure to retain information
Take good notes so that you don't have to ask the same questions repeatedly. This will allow you to function independently of your supervisor or co-workers. You must remember they have a job to take care too.

3. Unauthorized internet use
Many companies have the capability of tracking your computer activity so stay off of MySpace, Facebook, your personal e-mail, and other non-work related websites that you may frequent. Remember you are at work to work not to be entertained.

4. Late or Tardy Arrivals
Don't start your new job with an attendance issue. Being late may suggest that you don't care or take your job seriously. Arriving early to your job gives you a chance to prepare for your work day. You can finish up previous assignments and make a to-do list for the current day. As a new employee you don't want to stand out to management as the person who can't make it to work on time.

5. Unwillingness to accept company policy and procedures
Even if you have industry experience be open to doing things the way that your new company wants them. Implement your ideas and creativity gradually. Your new company may not be receptive to you changing or altering established procedures.

For more career tips go to my website

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