Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to Prepare for Re-Entry to the Workforce

I am kicking off February with tips for people preparing to re-enter the workforce.

Network - Let everyone you know that you are looking for work. Try to re-establish contacts from previous employers as they may have leads from the "Unpublished Job Market". Be sure to make use of websites like Linkedin because they provide an excellent method of reconnecting with past superiors.

Market Yourself - Remember that no company would keep quite about the availability of a new product. Think of yourself and your skills as a hot product and the let the world know when you will be available. You can utilize social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or even Linkedin for this venture.

Improve Your Computer Skills - If you know that your computer skills are subpar then take courses to improve your proficiency. No one wants to hire someone that is uncomfortable with a computer. Your local library may be a resource center that can help in this area.

4. Identify Your Transferable Skills - Your transferable skills are skills you have acquired during the course of your professional life. Such examples of transferable skills would include: meeting deadlines, the ability to multitask, writing skills, and research skills.

Volunteer - If you can volunteer in your industry then do it. Volunteering can be an excellent method of gaining valuable current experience while you are preparing to re-enter the workforce. Remember when you are volunteering you could be auditioning for your next job. You could also gain an additional reference in the process.

Try these tips as you prepare to re-enter the workforce. If any of my ideas works for you e-mail me @ and let me know.

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